Know About Various Symptoms Indicating Scoliosis

Know About Various Symptoms Indicating Scoliosis

Scoliosis is often diagnosed in adolescence and refers to the sideways curvature of the spine. Most of the scoliosis cases are mild but there can be exceptions wherein the case is worse causing disabling in an individual. In such cases, scoliosis is simply evident whereas in the mild case, one must be aware of scoliosis symptoms to identify the problem.

Changes in Body Symmetry

The first and most important symptom of scoliosis is the symmetry of the body. If your child is affected by scoliosis, you can witness a change in his posture. The appearance of his back, shoulder, or hips will be asymmetric (not on the same level, wherein one end is slightly up than the other). This can be judged by clothes hanging unevenly on the body, one hip appearing slightly higher than the other, or one leg appearing longer than the other. Further, you might also witness ribs or shoulder blades sticking out notably from one side of the body.

Regular Pains In The Body

A person affected by scoliosis undergoes various pains in the body. He can suffer persistent or chronic pain in his leg, neck, and back and even have muscle tension or headaches. This is because scoliosis is associated with the spine and has a resultant effect on the nervous system causing such pains.

Improper Functioning of Lungs

The performance of the lungs is also severely affected by scoliosis. The lung’s ability to move in air is dependent on the curvature of the spine. The higher the curvature, the higher the difficulty. If the curvature crosses 10 degrees then it is regarded as scoliosis. This usually comes into notice when a patient with scoliosis practices exercise or any physical activity.

Trouble Sleeping

When the curvature impacts the functioning of the lung, it poses trouble in sleeping. One feels uneasy or discomfort in having a good sleep. So, if you are consistently facing trouble sleeping, you must visit a doctor and consult about scoliosis. Also, for patients with scoliosis, the best sleeping position is lying on the back and the worst is the stomach sleeping position.

Digestion and Menstrual Cycle

Scoliosis also affects the digestive system of the individual, causing difficulty in digestion. From acid reflux to IBS, and stomach pains to constipation, there can be many additional digestive issues as well. Apart from this, the menstrual cycle also gets affected causing a severe impact on the body.

So, these are the few symptoms indicating scoliosis. Moreover, it is important to treat scoliosis, not the symptoms as symptoms can be treated temporarily but what matters more is addressing the root cause. Since many people fail to recognize the main problem they keep on treating the symptoms and suffer discomfort and chronic pains throughout their life. If you are suffering from the combination of symptoms mentioned above then contact us for scoliosis therapy treatment at ScoliosisGTA.
We serve the following areas- Newmarket, Oakridge, Markham, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, North York, Vaughan, Scarborough, Brampton, Mississauga, York Region, Ontario, Canada, etc. For appointments, contact our team at 905.868.9090.